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Video on Demand in a IEEE 802.11p based Vehicular Network


This page describes the ns-3 simulations used in the following paper:

Thomas Begin, Anthony Busson, Isabelle Guerin-Lassous, Azzedine Boukerche, Video On Demand in IEEE 802.11p-based Vehicular Networks: Analysis and Dimensioning. MSWIM 2018.

So, please cite this paper if you use this simulation scenario.

The ns-3 files are available here. It corresponds to scenario 1 in the paper. It is a zip archive that contains the ns-3 main file (the .cc file), a mobility trace file, a the video trace file (Star Wars Episode 4 but only for 10 minutes) and a script to run the simulations automatically. The best way to run the simulation:

            ./waf --run "scratch/vanet-videoTCP-scenario1 --distanceRSU=4000"